ProRanger San Antonio

ProRanger Program at San Antonio College

Monday, July 14, 2014

ProRanger Graduate Jonathan Moul

I am Jonathan Moul. ProRanger is a fantastic Ranger intake program that emphasizes not only the law enforcement side of the National Park Service, but also the fundamentals and origins of our policies and the purposes behind them. The two and half year program includes two summer internships in which the cadets are exposed to various divisions and duties associated with running a park and being a Ranger. This sort of approach builds character and well-rounded individuals who are shaped and molded to become successful career Rangers. The program also sets up parks to hire knowledgeable people who believe in and are committed to the mission of our agency.

My journey with the program began in the fall of 2011 while I was working as a STEP Interpretive Ranger at the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.  Through the program I was enabled to expand my knowledge of the NPS as well as hone my own skills in areas such as research, Operational Leadership, and most importantly communication.  The lessons I learned in the program have assisted me in the beginning of my career and my ability to quickly jump in to the routine of my new park.

As a ProRanger cadet I had the opportunity to work at Grand Teton National Park as a Generalist Park Ranger in 2012 and as a commissioned LE Ranger at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in 2013.  Over the summers I made connections and friendships with Rangers and other employees who were able to guide and mentor me as I continued to grow in my capacity as a sharp young Park Service employee. 

Jonathan did his first summer internship at Grand Teton National Park. He was able to work in all branches of that parks operations. He was a great asset to the park. He made strong connections to coworkers and did great work fo the resource.







Jonathan's second summer internship was at Glen Canyon National Recreational Area. In this capacity he served a level II Protection Ranger.

US Park Ranger Jonathan Moul is now in a permanent protection ranger postion at Grand Teton National Park in the Colter Bay District.


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