ProRanger San Antonio

ProRanger Program at San Antonio College

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

ProRanger Gradaute Rosileen Ferioli

I am Rosileen Ferioli and my journey towards becoming a United States Park Ranger began with the ProRanger Program in 2011. These past few years in the program have been very beneficial for my career.  Throughout the program I was mentored by many Park Rangers across the United States each with their own distinct background and experience. Not only did they provide me with great insight and advice into law enforcement and the agency as a whole, but they also connected us to an extensive network of people across the United States. The ProRanger Program has guided me in entering the community of park rangers which isn’t just a job title but a lifestyle. 
My experience in the ProRanger Program has provided me with valuable information on the history and mission of the National Park Service. It has also instilled in me, as well as other ProRanger Cadets, a passion and dedication to National Parks that makes working for this agency much more meaningful.

Rosileen did her first internship at San Juan National Historical Park. She worked in interpretation and spent a very good amount of time working in protection. Rosi speaks Spanish fluently and works very well with people. SAJU greatly benefitted from from Rosi's contribution to park operations.

Rosi's second summer internship was at Yellowstone National Park. While at YELL Rosi participated in structural fire trainining, wildland fire training, search and rescue, EMS, law enforcement, interpretation and resource management. She learned a lot and contributed a lot to the successful achievement of the NPS Mission.

US Park Ranger Rosileen Ferioli is now in a permanent protection ranger position at Independence National Historical Park . 

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